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Prayer of Salvation

Lord Jesus Christ:

I finally understand that I am not going to get to heaven the way I am right now: I get it.

My actions, my activities, my whole life up until now have not been what you want, and I know there’s just no way that I can ever be good enough to make it to heaven on my own. I cannot save myself, and I know it.

I desperately and sincerely want to change that, right now.

I really want to turn away from all the bad stuff in my life, all those unpleasant things I've been doing: I choose to leave all of that behind, to get away from it completely. I want to turn my life around completely, and start on a new path. From now on I want to do only what you want me to do.

I ask that you forgive me for all those things I have done.

I understand that the only way I can be acceptable to God and get my name written in the Book of Life, is to accept the gift that only you, Jesus, can offer me: salvation. I realize that you sacrificed your own life on the cross, for me. You died so that I wouldn't have to. You gave your perfect life as the only acceptable sacrifice for my miserable life.

I don't understand why you would do that for me, but I know that is what you did, and I humbly accept that amazing gift, recognizing that you are the only one that can give it.

I also realize that the only reason I can be raised from the dead to eternal life in heaven after I die, is because you were resurrected first and have promised to do the same for me when I die one day, if I truly repent and sincerely follow you from now on.

I ask you to cleanse me, to help me turn my life around, to change me to be how you want me to be.

I promise to follow you from now on, to trust you completely, with all my heart and mind, and to learn everything I can about you, by reading the Bible and praying, so that I can become a little more like you, every day.

I hand over to you my entire life, right now, and I ask you to take full control.

Jesus, I ask all this in your holy name, as I humbly bow before you as my king, my savior, and my God.


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(Última actualización: Saturday Dec 28, 2024, 18:57 )